Following Celebrities’ Admission That They Never Agreed To Attend, RFK Jr. Bails on His Own Birthday Fundraiser

( — A fundraising event celebrating independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s birthday and supporting his campaign may be canceled as Kennedy has officially backed out of the event. The birthday party fundraiser was organized by the super PAC American Values 2024, which supports Kennedy for president in the 2024 election. However, it seems the organizers are disorganized or perhaps just inexperienced, as they tried to drum up enthusiasm for the event by announcing certain celebrities would be in attendance without confirming that with the people in question.

Martin Sheen does not have a social media presence, so he had long-time friend Bradley Whitford make his renouncement on X for him. In it, Sheen denied that he would be in attendance and expressed unequivocal support for President Biden. Dionne Warwick says she has no knowledge of the event and will not be attending or performing. She added that she found the announcement that she would be there “absolutely ridiculous.” Former professional boxer Mike Tyson admits that he did receive an invitation but that he declined it.

While the announcement for the event claimed that world-famous tenor Andrea Bocelli would perform at the fundraiser, a spokesperson confirmed he would not be singing at the event. Bocelli has performances in Prague on January 13 and in the Middle East on January 26 and 27. He has no US events planned at all until February 14. Following the flurry of disclaimers, the Kennedy campaign announced that they had no connection with the event and that he would not be attending.

Matt Bennett, executive vice president of Third Way, a D.C. think tank representing modern center-left ideas, is disturbed that such disinformation could be so blatantly fabricated. He added that while he is not sure if the organizers were lying or just distorting what they believed to be true, this is not how “real campaigns” operate. The Kennedy campaign released a public statement saying they had nothing to do with the organization of the event and had no knowledge of what guests or entertainers might be there. The campaign website has a list of public events, with the ones that Kennedy will be attending clearly marked. The American Values 2024 birthday event is not among them, although there is an online tool for creating your own RFK-supporting event.

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