Breyer Projects That The Supreme Court Will See Increasing Numbers Of Cases Pertaining To Abortion

( — According to Stephen Breyer, a former Supreme Court Justice, the United States Supreme Court will see an increase in cases relating to abortions throughout the coming years. Breyer made his prediction during an interview on CNN and claimed that the decision to overturn Roe v. Wade in 2022 caused a sharp increase in legal issues relating to abortion throughout the United States. Breyer described the ruling, which originated in the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health case, as “harmful” and a direct cause of the growing number of abortion-related legal battles.

Breyer said that the conservative-skewed Supreme Court attempted to overturn the Roe v. Wade decision to prevent abortion from reaching federal courts, as the issue would become a state legislature problem.

Despite the Supreme Court’s attempt to limit the occurrence of federal abortion cases, it recently heard a new case relating to the abortion medication known as mifepristone. The case involving mifepristone raised questions about federal officials’ ability to determine how accessible certain medications are, forcing the Supreme Court to consider an abortion issue yet again. According to Breyer, cases like the mifepristone case will become more common over the next few years.

Although the federal regulators argued against the legal challenge relating to their permitting manufacturers to create mifepristone, the Supreme Court seemed hesitant to allow for easy access to abortion medication. The current Supreme Court roster overturned the Dobbs decision, which established that abortion isn’t a guaranteed right under the United States Constitution. The Dobbs decision also provided that states should determine their local abortion laws, causing an uptick in cases concerning abortion’s constitutionality.

While most Supreme Court justices voted to overturn the Dobbs decision, Breyer was one of three justices to publicly disagree with the controversial legal determination. Breyer, in his dissent to the Dobbs case, claimed that the Supreme Court’s attempt at limiting abortion litigation created an issue that would increase the legal issues surrounding abortion and other reproductive rights. Breyer’s dissent accused the Supreme Court of interjecting itself into the abortion issue and making it even more complex than it had been before the legal ruling.

The Supreme Court hasn’t issued an opinion regarding mifepristone, but the case’s outcome could result in nationwide changes to abortion medication access. The case centers around whether or not the FDA inappropriately approved the medicine and allowed people to order the medicine without following state law, indicating a conflict between a pro-abortion federal body and a pro-life state government. According to some legal experts, banning mifepristone access could result in widespread changes to how courts analyze access to medication, and by ruling against the abortion drug, the Supreme Court could hurt millions of Americans and their ability to gain lifesaving medicines.

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