Pamela Smart Acknowledges Her Role in Her Husband’s 1990 Murder at Last

( — Convicted killer Pamela Smart, whose actions have resulted in multiple films and documentaries, has finally acknowledged her role in her late husband’s 1990 murder after years of denying her involvement.

Smart admitted to participating in her husband’s murder during a videotaped confession, which she filmed as part of a resentencing request. Smart is currently serving a life sentence for the murder and hopes that her confession and willingness to take responsibility for the murder could result in an earlier release.

Smart’s case rocked the nation back in 1990 due to the bizarre nature of the murder and has resulted in several feature-length films. Just two years after the murder, Smart’s case inspired the novel “To Die For.” A few years later, in 1995, Joaquin Phoenix and Nicole Kidman starred in a movie based on the 1992 novel detailing Smart’s case. Despite the evidence against Smart, the former media coordinator repeatedly denied any involvement in the murder and instead tried to blame the other participants for her husband’s death.

Smart initially planned to have her husband, Gregory Smart, killed as part of an ongoing affair she started with a 15-year-old boy named William Flynn. Smart asked the boy to kill her husband due to her concern that if Gregory Smart discovered the affair, she could lose everything and potentially face jail time. Flynn agreed to Smart’s plan and enlisted three other teenagers to help him kill Gregory Smart. Each of the teenage murderers confessed to the killing upon their arrest and cooperated with prosecutors during Smart’s criminal proceedings.

Despite his direct involvement with Gregory Smart’s murder, authorities released Flynn in 2015. Pamela Smart remained incarcerated for the murder after Flynn’s release, primarily due to her denial of involvement and her repeated claims of innocence. Smart began an appeal effort following her incarceration but failed to have her case re-evaluated by New Hampshire courts. Smart has since turned her attention to the New Hampshire Executive Council, the last judicial body that could overturn her sentence.

As part of her attempt to have her sentence overturned, Smart has admitted to planning the murder and asking for Flynn to help her kill her husband. Gregory Smart’s family members, including his cousin Val Fryatt, aren’t satisfied with Smart’s videotaped confession. According to Fryatt, Smart didn’t say Gregory Smart’s name in the video and instead acted as if she wasn’t the primary reason behind her husband’s death.

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